Select category:

from chassieno 20.000 and up

from chassieno 20.000 and up

about 8 sets in never used condition

about 8 sets in never used condition

0-9 instructions for B10

0-9 instructions for B10

different for B600 - B400 - 9900 - 9700, years dont know - ask

different for B600 - B400 - 9900 - 9700, years dont know - ask

service catalouges about 1990

service catalouges about 1990

B10Mone box with new catalouges

B10Mone box with new catalouges

different Volvo new and never used catalouges

different Volvo new and never used catalouges

Catalouge for Minox reader B10M parts catalouge chno 11499 and up

Catalouge for Minox reader B10M parts catalouge chno 11499 and up

Minox microfiche reader - History in working condition

Minox microfiche reader - History in working condition

Catalouges Volvo B10M - B9M + more

(Object Nr. 1793S)

catalouges B10M see photo - never used

Service catalouge B10M see photo - never used

9700 - 9900


B600 - maybe some Drogmuller aswall - ask

+ others

Send email to check what we have and we hope this can be usfull for entuhusiasts!

I want to know more about this product!

Contact us for more information regarding this product. Use the form below, or any of the other contact information further down on this page.

NNT AB (New Nordic Trading)
P.O. Box 6053, S-800 06 Gefle, Sweden
tel +46 26 124900 Gefle
tel +46 8 79 00 999 Stockholm
fax +46 26 124959 / fax +46 70 6108900

E-mail: ( regarding invoices etc. / fakturafrågor etc. )

Marvel AB
P.O. Box 6184 S-800 06
Gefle Sweden
tel +46 70 3124900

SKYPE: interzoom